Blue Jean rag throw $50
Blue Jean Rag Throw - $60.00
Custom Twin Blue Jean Rag quilt:
Made from your fabric and jeans - $100.00
Shop fabric selections
Red/white/blue cotton fabric & Jeans
Blue cotton fabrics & Jeans
Red cotton fabric & jeans
Multi color fabrics - Please specify boy or girl.
Jean fabrics are from worn/recycled blue jeans.
Made with Readers Digest or any book for that matter. Specify color wanted (fabric varies) or A&M or UT fabric. Also Christmas fabrics available.
$50.00 With stones or trim add $10.00.
Baby bags $25. Choose from jean, blue, red, pink or yellow and blue, pink, yellow or mint green check lining. Monogram is $10.00 extra.
Finger pin Cushions - specify colors - $2.50 each. Made from recycled bottle caps.
Kleenex tissue holders $4.95 each. They make great gifts and a package of kleenex comes with it. Specify colors and seasonal print.
Supply Box
Supply Box for art and teacher supplies. Lined with several pockets inside and outside with strong handles. Made from recycled detergent boxes. $40.00. Great for teacher gifts, especially art teachers. Made with various prints.